Due Process Sabotaged on DC `Scamnesty` Bill
Released on = May 21, 2007, 10:55 am
Press Release Author = William Gheen/ Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
Industry = Government
Press Release Summary = Will American reporters, journalists, talk show hosts, and newscasters let the supporters of the \'Scamnesty\" Bill S. 1348 in the US Senate avoid debate and legislative due process necessary for a functioning Republic?
Press Release Body = Due Process Sabotaged on DC \'Scamnesty\' Bill
For Release: Monday, May 21, 2007
Contact: ALIPAC, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, William Gheen, WilliamG@alipac.us, 1-866-329-3999, (919) 272-8238, www.alipac.us
Will American reporters, journalists, talk show hosts, and newscasters let the supporters of the \'Scamnesty\" Bill S. 1348 in the US Senate avoid debate and legislative due process necessary for a functioning Republic?
Will the American press allow Senate lawmakers to deprive the media and American citizens from even having the time to read and analyze S. 1348 \"The Amnesty Bill\" before it is voted on today? The bill is huge and has only been available since Friday of last week. Senate supporters of the bill want to ramrod it through the Senate before citizens, the media, and even lawmakers and their staff have a chance to read the whole thing.
Will the American Press allow lawmakers to change the definitions of words like \'Amnesty\' and will these new definitions soon be applied to journalists?
It is clear that there are terrible provisions in this bill such as In-State Tuition for illegal aliens, trillions in unfunded taxpayer mandates, national biometric ID, amnesty for illegal aliens, and much more.
Will the corporate Old Guard Media stand with the public and shine a light on this betrayal by the Senators? Will the corporate media stand with those that would try to force these unpopular measures upon the American public by calling for a Cloture vote today to suspend debate and deprive all Americans of time to read and debate these measures?
William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is available today to conduct interviews and assist members of the media trying to make sense of S. 1348, the legislative tricks in play, and the long term ramifications of these actions upon the American Republic.
It is time for every American and member of the media that still has some sense of decency, due process, and civic responsibility to stand up and say NO to those in DC that would deprive Americans of having a voice and open government.
Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC www.alipac.us Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966 Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999 FEC ID: C00405878
Web Site = http://
Contact Details = Contact: ALIPAC, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, William Gheen, WilliamG@alipac.us, 1-866-329-3999, (919) 272-8238, www.alipac.us
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